Thursday, October 15, 2015

The RWP Dog 2015

annual photo op (obviously taken prior to the hair incident)! 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Introducing the New Benjamin

I experienced a rite of motherhood this week: discovering your child has cut their own hair! I was in my room doing some packing for our upcoming trip when Julia came upstairs and we had this conversation:

me: Hey J. What are you doing?
Julia: nothing... but you might want to come downstairs?
me: Why? I'm in the middle of doing something - can it wait a few minutes?
Julia: wellll, I don't think you're going to like what Benjamin is doing
me: What is Benjamin doing?
Julia: ummmm
me: Am I going to be mad?
Julia: I don't know
me: please tell me what he's doing so I can be prepared
Julia: wellll, he's cutting his hair
me (running down the upstairs hallway): BENJAMIN, STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!! STOP! BENJAMIN STOP!

Reaching the kitchen I was confronted with this face:

At which point I was speechless and started to laugh because it was either that or cry. Walking into the living room we discovered the rest of the evidence:

And since we were leaving in just a couple of days we immediately made a trip to Snip-Its to get it fixed. Oh, did I mention we had just gotten haircuts there THE DAY BEFORE?!?!

Benj didn't leave a whole lot for the barber to work with so he experienced his first buzz cut! Thankfully, he was happy with the result:

I can't lie I'm a little sad to see his surfer boy look go. But he's still as cute as ever!

A funny endnote - while I was typing this, Ben came up and looked at the pictures and this happened:
Ben: who's that?
me: That's you, Benj
him: How old was I?
me: that was from yesterday, did you forget what you look like?
him: yes!

Monday, October 12, 2015

Heard Around Our House

Benjamin's soothing bedtime conversations continued tonight:

Benj: We weren't sure if you were going to make it home. (I had been out for a couple of hours)
Me: If course, I was going to make it home.
Benj: But what if your car got hit by an asteroid?
Me: Well, that would make things a little more complicated...

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Heard Around Our House

I had finished reading Benj bedtime stories and we were snuggling together in his bed when this conversation happened:

B: Is a T-Rex going to eat us?
Me: No, the dinosaurs are extinct.
B: Are the dinosaurs all gone?
Me: yes
B: No, no they're not.
Me: Really? Where are they?
B: In Texas.
Me: Who told you there are dinosaurs in Texas?
B: Daddy.

(I don't think he wants to go to Texas anytime soon!)

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Waterfire 2015

We only made it to one Waterfire this year but we had a fabulous time!

Thursday, October 8, 2015


We went to Auntie Merrill's last Sunday to hang out and meet their new puppy, Lola! As these pictures attest, everyone immediately fell in love!