Sunday, April 25, 2010

Really???? Only 14 months old?

There have been a few things over the past week or so that have made Andrew and I realize how much Julia is going to keep us on our toes.  Things like:

* Sliding down the stairs on her stomach as fast as possible… thankfully feet first!

* Using the remote to turn the tv on… and knowing that she has to press the buttons for both the tv and cable.

* Following my directions to go pick up her toy that she had left on the floor and bring it to me… without me pointing at all.

* Answering “circle” when I asked her at dinner tonight what shape the cover she was holding in her hands was.

* Answering Steve from Blue’s Clues (her favorite show along with Sesame Street) by saying “that way” and pointing when he asked which way Blue went.

* Kicking a ball all the way across the backyard like a soccer ball… guess I need to start figuring out what I need to do to be a coach!

* Taking only one nap a day…. this one is going to take some adjusting!


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Welcome home, Uncle Jeff!

Andrew’s brother Jeff has been away serving in the military for the past year.  He finally made it back from Iraq to Maine on Friday!  Julia and Andrew took a picture to welcome him back and hopefully we will get to see him and Aunt Helki soon!


Monday, April 12, 2010


I managed to get Julia’s hair into her first ponytail today!  It’s the Pebbles look :)


She is also enjoying a new toy we picked up at IKEA – it’s a modern rocking horse.  She doesn’t look thrilled but she was actually having a good time.

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