Monday, July 11, 2011


We needed to vacate our house for a few hours yesterday afternoon because of the open house so we decided to do something different and head a little to the west to do some raspberry picking.  Raspberries have been, by far, Julia’s favorite fruit this summer.  She has been known to eat entire pints in the relatively short time it takes to go through our local farmer’s market.  So she was excited about going berry picking.  It was a super hot day and the raspberries were near the end of the crop but we managed to pick two pints (three if you count all the ones Julia ate… okay, I ate some too!).  Julia was really good at spotting them hiding under leaves and inside the bushes and now has had good practice for the real picking that will happen when we visit Grandpa Rick and Grandma Lesley’s raspberry patch in a couple of weeks!

We also picked peaches for the first time.  It’s very early in the peach season so there was only one variety that was ripe – Sentry peaches.  They are pretty good, although a little too sweet for me as I like my peaches/nectarines to have a little sour and a little sweet.  I think they’ll be good for baking though.  And we did learn how to identify a ripe peach.  It is by the color – they should be dark red on at least one half. 

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Friday, July 8, 2011

“Do it myself!”

That is the new refrain around our house.  Things that are included in Julia’s “doing it myself” list are:

  • using the remote control for the tv
  • putting on and taking off socks (although there usually is a concession that some help is needed)
  • pouring cereal, milk, juice, etc.
  • turning on the water to wash hands (the satisfaction on her face when she realized yesterday that she could reach the faucet while standing on the stool was priceless!)
  • cutting her sandwich or buttering toast
  • watering the plants
  • opening doors and pushing elevator buttons

The things that are apparently NOT on Julia’s “do it myself” list include:

  • cleaning up her toys
  • putting laundry in the basket
  • sweeping/wiping up the cereal, milk, juice, water, peanut butter, jelly, etc. from the counters, cabinet doors, door handles, and floors
  • closing doors

Kidding aside, it is amazing what she is able to accomplish with her little hands and BIG energy!  Yesterday she surprised me again by doing this all by herself:

IMG_5406 Yup, a pony ride… and she absolutely loved it.  Andrew’s comment when he got home and we were telling him about it was “that’s going to be an expensive hobby!” Only one ride in and he’s already budgeting for the pony.  Yes, she’s a Daddy’s girl!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

4th of July!

We spent the 4th at home, hanging out around the house, playing outside, and celebrating with our neighbors.  It was a fun day as I think you can see here.

We started with some painting:


Then we moved on to golf (impressive stance!): IMG_5345

the neighborhood party: IMG_5349

good food


water balloons



and lots of bouncing!!!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Almost back in business

I finally broke down yesterday and bought a new charger for our camera battery (I’m sure that I will find the old one tomorrow).  So everyone who has been waiting for new pictures of Julia will get their wish soon.  Now that I have a fully charged battery I just have to take the pictures!  But I’m sure there will be plenty of photo ops this weekend as we have some fun things planned.  So stay tuned….

In other news, we have been trying to keep busy and keep our minds off of the stress of having our house on the market.  We spent a little over a week with Andrew’s parents last week and had a great time visiting with them and making the most of what may be one of our last trips to Charlottesville.  I made two trips to the wonderful farmer’s market, Julia and I explored the Children’s Discovery Museum (the live beehive was a huge hit) and took in storytime at the library, we spent a bunch of time at the pool, and Andrew and I even made it to the driving range!  It was a fun week and we’re grateful that Julia could have so much time with her Southern grandparents!

Back at home, we’re having a slower summer than spring.  We do not have as many classes or activities planned which is nice and has allowed us to spend more time just playing outside and with friends in the neighborhood.  Julia has been growing like a weed and has been increasing her verbal and physical skills to match.  This week she has been practicing hopping on one foot and standing in tree pose – I wish balance came as easily to me!  She continues to love to sing and her favorite song, by far, is Twinkle Twinkle.  And she is keeping us laughing with her vocabulary and reasoning skills.  Today there was this conversation:

Julia: I want to swing

Andrew: It’s time to go to dinner

Julia: I eat dinner every night

Andrew: You need to eat

Julia: I don’t need to eat, I need to swing

(needless to say she ended up swinging)

and this one:

Andrew: Julia, give Mommy a kiss and a hug

Julia: Mommy, take a kiss. Take a kiss, Mommy

Thanks Julia!  I’ll take a kiss anytime!