Thursday, June 9, 2011

Monday, June 6, 2011

An Update

We have been super busy for the past few weeks which is why there have not been many posts.  I have a couple of posts that I would like to write but I can’t find the charger or extra batteries for our camera right now so I can’t access the pictures that go with the posts.  Hence, no posts.  But I figured that I would write a little bit about what we’ve been doing just to keep everyone up-to-date.

First and foremost, we have been getting our house ready to put on the market.  Most of our last few weekends have been spent cleaning, clearing, patching, painting, and packing (this is why I can’t find the camera charger – I’m sure I put it somewhere brilliant!).  But we finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.  The house is looking great and will be officially listed a week from today!

I have been busy enjoying the last of our Spring classes with Julia.  We’ve had yoga classes twice a week (for me with babysitting for her), a nature class (where we’ve learned a lot), and a movement and music class at the rec center.  They all wind down in the next couple of weeks and summer is going to be a lot less structured than the past few months.  Julia will still have daycare on Mondays but beyond that there will be lots of time to play, read, and enjoy the summer.  We’ve already had the sprinkler out for the past few weeks and it’s become a favorite activity. We’ve also started hunting for strawberries on our plants but they’re a rare sight since somebody is impatient and keeps picking them when they are still tiny, green balls of seeds!

Andrew and I have also both been busy with work.  It has been an adjustment for me to be working part-time but the schedule is very flexible and I’ve done all of it from home.  It has been a great opportunity for me to see how an arrangement like this works for us and what the pluses and minuses are. 

On the Julia front, she has been doing wonderfully.  She is fully potty-trained during the day.  She’s still wearing diapers at nap and nighttime but we’ve been super impressed with how quickly she has caught on.  She is still a very inquisitive kid – always wanting to know what we’re doing and why.  She has started playing with other kids rather than just playing near them and enjoys playing baseball and catch with our neighbor Jack and putting on shows and playing in her kitchen with Meg.  She has been singing more and more and dances along with the music.  In other interests she has fallen in love with Strawberry Shortcake and we’ve been watching those videos quite frequently.

Other than all of that, we are just trying to not get too nervous about selling the house and moving and other things.  And we’re trying to enjoy our last bit of time living in the DC area!