Sunday, December 21, 2014


The other morning Benj decided his breakfast cereal was lacking a little something....

doesn't everyone put pepper on their Frosted Flakes?!?!?!?

Saturday, December 20, 2014


When did she get so big????

Thursday, December 18, 2014

3, 2, 1.... Blastoff!

A round-up of some of our recent activities:

As might be expected, Julia eagerly anticipated the launch of NASA's Orion shuttle earlier this month. We spent two hours on the day of the scheduled launch glued to the NASA channel on the computer. Waiting for the launch, and then trying to understand why the launch had been halted, waiting for the launch, and then trying to understand why the launch had been halted, waiting for the launch, and... you get the picture. It was a great day to learn about patience, trial and error, and the importance of taking our time!

Thankfully, the rescheduled launch went as planned and we were able to both watch it and get some other things done!


We finally couldn't stand being cooped up anymore during a recent rain storm and went out to splash around. While it wasn't snow, hot chocolate was definitely a requirement after this playtime!


We've been doing some crafting recently. One fateful afternoon I actually brought out the glitter (not sure what I was thinking!) and we sparkled the kitchen created pinecone Christmas trees.

Benj felt like working in the nude!

J's Christmas tree matched her gymnastics outfit!

A more successful (and less stressful) crafting venture has been needle felting. We took a class through a friend and Julia, Benj, and I all really enjoyed it. What's even better is that it is something that they can get out and do on their own with minimal mess and only the occasional stabbed finger (which actually doesn't deter them at all).

December's Zoo School fell on a chilly but sunny Friday. We had a great time seeing some animals out and about who aren't all that active in warmer weather and having the place pretty much to ourselves and our friends.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

The Very Hungry Caterpillar as read by Benjamin:

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Heard Recently

At the end of dinner:

Andrew: Finish up your dinner and you can have ice cream cones
Julia: With ice cream in them?
(guess she's learning that details are very important!)


When we went out to breakfast for my birthday Benjamin ordered apple juice. It came in a paper take-out coffee cup with a lid with a straw through the drinking hole. He proceeded to immediately remove the straw:
Andrew: Benj you need to leave the straw in to drink it
Benjamin: No
Andrew: But it's going to spill
Benjamin: No I'm going to drink like an adult.

and he did: