Friday, July 31, 2015

Benjamin - the swimmer!!

I'm interrupting my current radio silence to share some breaking news. We now have 2 independent swimmers!! Benj has been getting more and more comfortable in the water over the past few weeks - which is good because we've been spending many, many hours at the pool between Julia's swim team practices and meets and the 90+ degree weather. Today we were at the pool this morning for Julia's swim lesson, then we met friends at a nearby beach for a few hours, and then ended our afternoon back at the pool for a swim with Dad.

And during our afternoon swim, Ben did it!! He's had the paddling and kicking down for awhile but has been hesitant to get his face wet. But today, he went for it! As he puts it, he "followed Julia's instructions" and put his head in the water and swam! He was able to do 10-15 feet on his own and by the time we were leaving he was jumping into the deep end and then swimming out to Andrew.

I'm so proud of him and he's so proud of himself, exactly as he should be. It was a good day!

(and I promise to post more soon, complete with pictures... I have lots to share but as noted, most of our time this summer has been by the pool!)