Last week signs started appearing all over our house. Signs like these:
stop! |
3 way stop! |
sharp corner & potty past the sharp corner |
Why you ask? Let me show you:
2 wheels!! |
don't try this at home |
yep, Ben got a new bike! Auntie Merrill gave it to him for his birthday and he has pretty much not stopped riding it since. It does have training wheels. They could come off because he doesn't really need them but Andrew is holding firm to not taking them off until the bike goes outside. He mentioned something about wanting to save our walls from Benjamin crashing into them. hmmm.
Anyway, back to the signs. Those are Julia's attempt to direct her brother. After a few hours of watching him cruise around on his bike she decided he needed some, shall we say, corralling? So every doorway, corner and intersection on our first floor is now marked with signs! stop, sharp corner, 3 way stop, slow down, caution wet floor... she's got it covered! And sometimes Ben even obeys them!
Maybe she should add one about standing on moving vehicles!
This cracks me up - I love it!! The signs, the big sister's attempt, the younger brother following the signs, and your bravery in letting him bike in the house :)