Sunday, July 9, 2017

Strawberry Season

I couldn't ask for a better sidekick!

Friday, July 7, 2017

Camp Week 2017

We found the perfect camp this year, the New England Science and Sailing Foundation Marine Adventures camp in Stonington, CT. In 5 afternoons Julia and Ben:

  • took a boat ride to an island and used a seine net to examine marine creatures (Julia)
  • paddle-boarded (both)
  • examined a dead spiny dogfish (Ben)
  • kayaked (Ben)
  • snorkeled (Julia)
  • dissected a scup
  • boogie-boarded (Julia)
  • examined live eels (slimy!!!) and eel babies (Ben)
  • surfed (Julia who now wants surfing lesson!)
They were pretty much in heaven the whole time! And I got to hang out and enjoy this view:

and enjoy this adorable-ness upon pick-up!

shark day!

Wednesday, July 5, 2017


We kicked off our summer with a true RI experience - clamming! Our class was held at North Kingstown town beach and was organized by DEM and taught by a 20 year shellfishing veteran. We learned a little about the background of clamming in RI, the shellfish industry, and the teacher's background and then they handed us rakes and sent us into the water.

In the hour we spend searching we hauled up about 40 clams of all sizes! The kids had a hard time with the rake so we teamed up: they rake lightly and found the clam, I used my muscles to get the rake down into the seabed under it, and then we dug them up together. I had no idea what a workout it would be -- I could barely move my arms the next day!

But we were rewarded with our own locally caught dinner!

Our haul!
Jodie, the instructor, demonstrating how to shuck them and his method of cooking... our new favorite recipe!

the instructor's haul!

Monday, July 3, 2017


Julia's latest stunt off the Greenwich Club diving board!

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Heard Around Our House

Julia's first word play(!):

Julia: Mom, why do some animals have eyes on the side of their head?
Me: Well, they were created that way or evolved that way for some reason. Having their eyes in a particular place served some purpose, or gave them some advantage.
Julia: Like what?
Me: Well, think about a flounder. Where are their eyes?
Julia: On the top
Me: Why? Where do they need to see?
Julia: So they can see up.
Me: yup. 
Julia: yeah, they can see up and then when they need to they can flounder off! Get it Mom??? flounder off?! because they're a flounder!



Discussing Ben's experience with fish dissection at camp:

Me: So what did you think of the dissection?
Ben: It was disgus.... I mean it was sooo interesting!
Me: Really, it was interesting?
Ben: Well, they told us to say that it was so interesting.
Me: what? they told you to say it was interesting?
Ben: No, they told us that whenever we think something is disgusting that we should say "so interesting" instead.
Me: so how was it?
Ben: It was sooo interesting!

A good life lesson!