Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Milestone: First Broadway Show - The Lion King

Wondrous costumes, powerful music, incredibly talented performers, and Timon and Pumba! It was a very special day!

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Lego Town

The legos have taken on a life of their own and are slowly colonizing our house!

Lego town!

a close-up of the train, car garage, playground, and village square

on the left is the hamburger shop, the lego shop, the repair shop, the community pool and spa, and the train station!

The Mayor!

Friday, March 17, 2017

Giving Back

We've had a lot of conversations in our house recently about immigrants and refugees. The kids listened to Andrew and I discussing current events and have plenty of questions of their own. So it was very timely when one of our friends learned that there are 14 refugee families from Syria that have resettled in RI and came up with the idea to help them in a way that is very near and dear to hearts - books and crafts. 

So as our March project in our Friday cooperative group we learned more about refugees and the kids collected arts and crafts materials and children's books to donate to these local families. All of the kids really got into it and were touched by the stories that they heard and the ideas of what these families and kids had been through. The kids were so generous and sweet; all of them created cards full of messages of welcome, love, and friendship to include in our bags of crafting materials.

discussing why people leave their homes

reading "Two Sandals, Four Feet"

crafting special notes

each kid put a lot of thought and care into their cards and each reflected their own personality

We are so grateful to be part of such a wonderful group of friends with whom we can share experiences like this. It means so much to the kids to work on projects like this with their friends. And what better way to learn about what is going on in the world than to make local connections and relate it to their own experiences and lives? This was truly one of the highlights of our year!


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

New Heights!

Julia is in the blue shirt - look at her go! On this day they were trying to follow one color all the way from bottom to top. It's amazing to see her conquer her fears!

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

What's so funny?

Question: "What's so funny?"

Answer: "A Youtube video of a squirrel trying to climb a bird feeder that has a slinky wrapped around it!"

Monday, March 13, 2017


Julia and Ben's latest scheme is to create a parkour course in our yard. This involves planting a corn maze, erecting a set of bars to climb on and swing from, digging out a water feature of some kind, and much more! The whole thing was discussed and drawn up during breakfast last week. It was a lively discussion!

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Sun and shine and fresh air

Andrew and the kids got back tonight from a short visit down to Grandma Su-Su and Grandpa Herb's. As they were going to bed I said that I thought they had grown and Julia answered that they did, "because they had lots of sun and shine for the past few days!"

Before they had left I was chatting with Benj and asked him to bring the warm weather back home with him. Tonight he very excitedly unpacked his bag looking for something. He finally found it and proudly presented me with this:

A bowl filled with warm Florida air.  I have the sweetest boy ever! 

Friday, March 10, 2017

Poetry Recitation - The Sidewalk Racer

Our most recent poetry memorization is The Sidewalk Racer by Lillian Morrison.