Saturday, May 24, 2014

Julia's Gallery - The Lobster

Julia has had a unique affinity for lobsters for quite awhile. She first saw one when she was about 8 months old and was completely unfazed by the creature. 

She has remained unfazed and is always fascinated when we go to Newport and see them fresh off the boats. Then each year in anticipation of our trip to Maine she proclaims frequently how much she loves lobster (the reality is that she usually eats about 1-2 bites). So when Sachuest Nature Preserve announced a education session for kids on lobsters I knew we had to attend.

The highlight of the hour was a drawing lesson that the presenter gave the kids. He showed them how to draw a lobster! She paid very close attention and this is her creation!

Friday, May 23, 2014


Thanks to Julia our house is full of little collections of things. The objects that are considered valuable range from pom poms to sticks to rocks to toy cars, and most recently shells.  She amassed quite a pile of treasures when we hiked out to Rome Point a couple of weeks ago. 

Finding snails with Grandma Laurie... thankfully those were returned to the ocean!

Julia used her hood to carry her finds

Benjamin did have fun but I had to share this picture because it's a face he makes a lot!  It doesn't necessarily mean he's unhappy - we also see it when he's puzzled, or thinking about something, or just wants to make us laugh.

In her element

Admiring his big sister!
I think Julia will be significantly adding to her collection over the next few months as we explore different beaches. Benjamin on the other hand threw every object he picked up back into the ocean so we will not be blaming the clutter on him!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Daffodil and Fairy Days

It was a very chilly Spring but we did get outside for a few events - one of the most beautiful was Daffodil Days / Fairy Day at Blithewold Mansion and Garden in Bristol. It was a chilly, drizzly day but that didn't stop us from having fun and enjoying the flowers.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Ketchup King

I am knocking on wood as I type this but Benjamin is a terrific eater. He loves all kinds of food, will try anything, and usually eats his meals without a ton of coercion (a lot of fidgeting - yes, but not nagging). He especially loves condiments and dips - salsa, mustard, onion dip, and most of all, ketchup.

I thought he had reached the pinnacle of inappropriate ketchup use when he started putting ketchup on his pancakes (along with butter and syrup) but he has reached a new high... watermelon dipped in ketchup. 

Should be interesting to see what's next!! 

Monday, May 19, 2014

Images of Spring

A glimpse into what we've been up to lately...

Benj trying on Steve's boxing gloves... check out Julia's perfect pose in the background! 

Benj trying to "fix" our kitchen floor

sibling love during our kids' book club

goofy Benjamin

Squish Benjamin!

Benjamin fulfilling his dream of being one of the big kids at Julia's school. We were there to read There's No Place like Space to her class.

Benjamin trying out Julia's tee ball equipment

First warmer weather trip to the Zoo this year

Julia thrilled with the impromptu dinner of hot dogs and smores cooked over the fire - it was her idea!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Cool Dude

Benjamin has recently discovered pockets and he this is his favorite stance these days! This morning he must have been feeling extra dapper as he added the hat as well!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mother's Day Fun

This was the gift that Julia made for me at school this year.
Andrew and I had a good laugh and I was thankful that at least it didn't say "sometimes she feeds me dinner!"  

Kidding aside we had a wonderful weekend. Julia had tee ball practice.  We went to a touch a truck event where the kids got to see and climb on all kinds of vehicles including the Oscar Meyer wiener mobile, a race car, and an old fire truck. 

Sunday we had our traditional Mother's Day breakfast at Grandpa Rick and Grandma Les' house. We paid a visit to Grandma Laurie and Grandpa Boo where we captured some tadpoles from their pond. And we ended the day with a trip to North Kingstown beach to count horseshoe crabs for Save the Bay (it's the peak migration period for the crabs). The weather was beautiful and it was the perfect night to be by the water.

Overall a wonderful Mother's Day!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Spring Update!

I haven't posted here in awhile, mostly because we've been busy! The weather has finally warmed up enough for us to want to spend time outside and we've been taking advantage. I will post pictures soon but really we've been playing a lot of tee ball, working in the yard, exploring a few nature preserves/hiking areas, and participating in a bunch of fun activities both with Julia's preschool and with our local homeschool group.

A quick snapshot of both kids:

Julia is currently obsessed with space and anything space, spaceship, or planet related. She made a space station out of recycled material for her Spring family project at school; she has a ton of books about space and spends a good amount of time each day looking through them; and she loves watching videos of space shuttles taking off. She is loving tee ball and can't wait to get to practice and her game each week. She has also begun to master the rollerblades that she received for Easter and can make it around the neighborhood quite well on them.

Benjamin is currently obsessed with whatever Julia is doing! He copies everything she does and says and does not take well at all to being told that he's too little to do a few things. He's starting to get the hang of his balance bike and loves being outside. He would happily dig in dirt all day long! He also really enjoys doing art projects, drawing, and reading books. One of his favorite activities each week is story time at the library - he would love it if we could go every day!