Friday, January 31, 2014

He's Two!!

Last week Benjamin turned two! Our kids are both snow babies - there were snow storms when both were born and every year since there has been a significant snowstorm on one or both of their birthdays! This year was no exception. Benj's birthday was on a Wednesday and we just happened to have our biggest snowstorm of the year the night before! So Julia had her first official snow day and we were all able to celebrate Benjamin's day all together!

We started with a pancake breakfast. And Benjamin's "friends" came to wish him a happy birthday too!

We also opened some birthday presents. Benj received a soccer ball, a toy camera, and some animal figures from us, and a Duplo set that Julia had picked out. I also gave him to book Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus as his birthday book.

It took him a few minutes to even realize that there were presents out but once he did he had a great time opening them and wasn't ready to be finished when they were opened!

We spent most of the day inside playing with the new toys and keeping warm, but Andrew, Julia and Benjamin did get outside for a little sledding before dinner (see Andrew's previous post). And after a nice tub to get warm we had Benjamin's birthday dinner with one of his favorite meals - burgers and fries. And of course cake. Chocolate cake!

He thought the cake was pretty good and has been asking for some almost everyday since! Luckily we have some more cake opportunities coming up!

At two, Benjamin is an amazing kid. He is incredibly happy, always quick to smile and laugh, and loves to make us laugh too by tickling, making silly faces or noises, or just goofing around. He is a passionate kid and expresses all of his emotions fully. There's never any question about how Benjamin is feeling - he let's us know! 

He is a pretty easy going kid. He has his demands and wants but overall he's happy to go with the flow. He loves being around people, especially his Grandma and Grandpas, Aunts and cousins. He and Julia have a great relationship. He looks up to her and always wants to be doing exactly what she is. He also does not hesitate to show his frustration when he is upset with her and has initiated Julia into the ways of boys! Because he is a pure boy. He loves playing in mud, water, dirt, whatever is around that will make a "BIG MESS." He usually chooses to run over walking, jump instead of stepping, and yell instead of whispering. He throws himself fully into whatever he is doing and loves to "show you" what he has done or is in process of accomplishing. He is a curious kid, always trying to figure out how things work or take things apart. He'll watch very closely to see how something is done and then usually be able to replicate it himself in short order. He is very adamant about "doing it MYSELF!"

Physically he is very healthy and is 35" tall and 25 lbs. A little above average for height and less than average weight. He talks up a storm and speaks in 3 and 4 word sentences. He also just started saying his name this week! He can count from 1-10, loves singing - especially the Alphabet Song and Take Me Out to the Ballgame, and to read books. Favorites right now are "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie", "Ten Apples Up on Top", and "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" which he calls "Chicken Boom Boom"! 

He is a great eater and will try any food. He particularly likes spicy food, any kind of dip, and FRIES! He also loves cheese, soup, carrots, cucumbers, grapes, and blueberries. Andrew is thrilled because he likes pizza (and gets very excited when it gets delivered) and burgers. I'm thrilled because, for now at least, he is not a picky eater (yes, I'm sure I just jinxed myself!).

 Everyday with Benjamin is an adventure. He challenges us, makes us laugh and smile, and amazes us with his enthusiasm and curiosity. Life is definitely not boring with Benjamin around and that's the way we like it! Happy birthday to my best boy! We love you pieces! xo

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Snow Fun

The winter of 2013/2014 has brought its fair share of snow.  Unfortunately it has also brought very cold temperatures so we have not been able to enjoy it all that much. However, on Benjamin’s birthday I was able to bundle both kids up and get them outside to sled.  Here is Julia heading down the largest hill in our yard and a cameo appearance by Benjamin.

Julia Sledding

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

a winter outfit

when did she get so big?!?!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sour Puss

For some reason Benjamin and Julia both love to eat lemons. I can't blame them because as a kid I did too. It does make for some funny faces though!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Big Boy Bed

Alyssa and I have been dragging our feet on moving Benjamin out of his crib.  He was happy in there and wouldn’t climb out on his own, even though we were both sure he could.  Then one day I asked him to climb out, which both Alyssa and I did on occasion, and he hopped right over the rail.  So the next day Alyssa switched his crib to a bed. The video below shows how Benjamin felt about the change:

Benjamin jumps into bed.

At naptime, Benjamin enjoys being in his bed so much he doesn’t want to get up.  Although who can blame him when it is 7 degrees out.  At bedtime, he stays in bed while going to sleep.  Although it usually involves him playing, talking to himself, and asking me to “rub back, twinkle me” also known as rubbing his back and singing his favorite songs (Frère Jacques, 5 Green and Speckled Frogs, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and Wheels on the Bus). 

It was both an exciting and sad day for Alyssa and I as we moved our little boy out of his crib.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Everyday Moments - Bedtime

I have a feeling that our bedtime routine is going to be changing pretty soon as it looks like Benj's last days in a crib are upon us. So I thought I'd share a look at what our nightly routine is like now.

First, the kids go to bed around 6:30 or 7:00 depending mostly on how long Benj napped for in the afternoon. That's pretty early so in order to have time for baths, books, etc. we eat dinner between 5 and 5:30 on most nights. After dinner, Andrew and I clean up the kitchen and then he heads upstairs with the kids for bath time. The kids have been bathing together but recently Julia has wanted to sometimes take a shower instead so if that's the case then after Andrew runs Benjamin's bath I will get her settled in our shower.

After they're squeaky clean (and Andrew is good and soaked) Julia and Benj get on pjs and head back downstairs. It's clean-up time for whatever toys, games, books are out and then depending on the night they might have a snack/dessert or we'll just sit and watch a show (current favorites are Handy Manny, Mickey Mouse, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, and Doc McStuffins).

After the show is over Julia jumps at the chance to ask me to carry her upstairs (before Benjamin can ask), we gather up No-No, some pom-poms, Benj's blankie, and a bottle and head upstairs where we first brush teeth, go potty, and change the diaper. Then it's hugs and kisses all around and I get Julia snuggled into bed while Andrew and Benjamin turn out the light. This is always followed by a chorus of "where did everybody go??" by everyone in the room!

I read a chapter or two from our latest book (currently it's Little Town on the Prairie) to everyone while Andrew sits with Benjamin in the rocking chair and gives him his bottle. Julia usually falls asleep while I'm reading but Benj gets put in his crib awake and usually requests a back rub and sometimes songs... and sometimes more songs and more back rubs... and then rolls around like a puppy until he's finally comfortable and goes to sleep!

So that's most nights... then there are the nights when they are just awake. Benjamin is just a matter of time and being patient enough to rub, rub, rub his back and wait til he's sleepy enough to not get upset when we leave. But for Julia it's several chapters of the book - punctuated with lots of "put your head down and close your eyes!" from me, followed by time for her to look at books by herself, followed by Andrew reading her The Bunny with the Golden Shoes (his magical sleepy book) which always does the trick!

So that's it for now, I'll let you know in a few weeks how this changes once Benjamin is in a bed he can freely escape from!!!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Benjamin Milestone - Stairs!

I didn't realize that this would be a big milestone for me but today I realized that I now have two kids who walk down the stairs by themselves. And that we haven't used our baby gates for their intended purpose in quite some time (they will not be coming down yet because they are extremely useful to keep kids where I want them and not a floor above or below!).

But the key words in the second sentence above are two kids who walk down stairs by themselves. Benj has been walking down the stairs while holding one of our hands for months but when he went by himself he has always slid down backwards or gone down sitting.  However, a couple of days ago I went to take his hand to walk down and he declared that he was going to "do it MYSELF." And so he did and has since. 

Thankfully (for my nerves at least) he has been going slow and saves the jumps for the last step. 
(or maybe two)

Friday, January 10, 2014

January Roundup

A few shots of our January so far:

New tubbie toys!

Happy New Year!

bundled up on the beach for the penguin plunge

post tubby time

our first snow-cream (ice cream made from snow!)

morning cuddles and books
(Benj is "reading" Mr. Popper's Penguins)

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Heard Around Our House - Julia Edition

Julia was playing in the sink with Benjamin and I handed her bowl to rinse out.
Me: Julia, can you rinse this for me please?
Julia: yes, Mama
Me: thanks
Julia: Benjamin, please move out of the way. I need to rinse this bowl for Mom. (pause... then in a low voice, shaking her head) My work is never done.

Both Benjamin and Julia's birthdays are coming up so we've talking a lot about parties and presents.
Me: Julia, what would you like for your birthday?
Julia: huh?
Me: Is there a specific present you would like for your birthday?
Julia: a box of bananas
Me: what??
Julia: a box of bananas
Me: no, really. we want to get you something that you want and would like - can you give us any serious ideas?
Julia: yes... a box of pom-poms and a box of bananas.
Me: ok then.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Heard Around Our House

from Benjamin:

"I don't like it. P.U." (the "PU" is said with his arm flung across his face covering his nose!)

he says this multiple times, daily... about everything from food he liked yesterday to toys he doesn't care for to getting his diaper changed! I haven't been successful yet in getting it on camera.

While it's pretty funny, hopefully it will be a short-lived phase as it can also be rather annoying and inappropriate. And yes, we are working on not encouraging it but it's one of those things that is difficult not to laugh at sometimes!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Ice Skating

Last Sunday was a very exciting day for me - we had our first family trip to the ice skating rink! Julia has been wanting to try it out for awhile and I love to skate, so we found a rink that had a parent/child skate time open and decided to give it try.

The venue may not have been the best choice as "parent/child skate" apparently means "adult/younger person hockey practice" but it turned out pretty well. I was happy that neither Julia or Benjamin was phased too much by the hockey players and pucks flying around us. (Andrew and I were a different story and made sure that Benjamin, at least, had on his bike helmet.)

I was surprised that they did not have double blade skates but they did not. So Julia used a pair of regular figure skates.  She started out a little uncertainly but we found her a milk crate to push around and after 10 minutes or so of that she gained a lot of confidence - enough to try and succeed in skating to me unassisted!

Benj also got in on the skating. He was gliding around on his sneakers for awhile but also wanted to try on the hockey skates that they had given us for him. So he did and while he couldn't stand up on them I think he was happy he just got a chance to try them out!

We skated for about half an hour of forty five minutes before Julia said her feet were getting tired. I wanted to make sure we didn't end up with blisters on our first attempt so we called an end to the skating but everyone agreed that we need to go again soon!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Snow Day

We did not have a white Christmas this year but the week before we did get some snow. Not a ton but enough for Julia and Benjamin to get bundled up, build a snowman, make some snow angels and of course, enjoy some hot chocolate!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!!!

New Year's Eve 2013 

It was a whole day of anticipation as the kids woke up to find the kitchen and family room ready for a party - complete with a balloon drop. It was a long morning as Andrew worked a half day and I tried to keep the kids occupied for the morning with a couple of crafts and lots of books. There was a lot of excitement which manifested itself as random screaming, running, and jumping around! 

We tried to focus that energy after Benj's nap with a New Year's dance party in the living room as we watched various countries ring in the New Year. 

I had mentioned to Andrew the night before that maybe the kids would have lost the excitement about the balloons after 12 hours of having them hanging there without being able to touch. I was wrong. We were asked about every 10 minutes all day: "can we drop the balloons? can we drop the balloons?"

When the balloon drop did finally occur, coinciding with midnight in France and Germany (both have great fireworks!), there was pure joy and fun!

We followed with a toast of sparkling apple juice, chocolate and berries for dessert, and bedtime!

Welcome 2014!