Benjamin turned 18 months old last month and it seems like a good time to give an update on how he's doing and what he's up to. It's hard for me to believe that he's a year and a half old for two opposite reasons. First, it seems like the months have flown by and he can't possibly be a toddler already. And second, he so often acts older than he is so I have to remind myself that, yes, he is only a toddler!
So basic stats - Benj weighs 23.4 lbs and is 33" tall. He has
finally gotten all of his first teeth (the last incisor just came through a couple of days ago) and we're crossing our fingers that we all get a little break before his 2 year molars start showing up. He puts his teeth to both good and bad use though - he's an adventurous eater and will try just about anything. His favorite food is whatever is on Mom and Dad's plates! He loves pizza, french fries, pancakes, and ice cream as well as blueberries, cucumbers, beans, pasta and anything chocolate. He doesn't like bland food and always wants some dip, sauce, or the spicy version of what we're eating. On the downside of the teeth, he is a biter. Hopefully that will diminish now that the teething is over - we'll see.

Personality-wise Benj remains our fun-loving, active, grinning little boy. He always seems to have a twinkle in his eye and a smile on his face, unless you try to take something away from him or get him to do something that he would prefer not to - then his stubborn streak comes out and he makes you well aware of his opinion, usually in a loud and physical manner. But once he's gotten his point across his smile quickly returns - sometimes to my dismay as he has discovered that this is my weakness and that I find it hard to scold him when he's giggling at me. (I'm working on it though.)
While his smile may get him off the hook I don't think Benj will ever be good at hiding what he's been up to. These two pictures are truly him - fully immersed in what he's doing usually something involving dirt, rocks, or some other messy substance like paint.
As for my comment above about acting older than he is, Benj is our experimenter and pretty much has no fear. He wants to try anything and everything. Things that Julia are doing are especially appealing but there have been several times when Benj has coaxed her into trying things she otherwise would not have even considered attempting.
His recent conquests include going down the tallest slides at the playground (even the twisty ones), jumping right off the dock at the lake house, beginning to use the potty, jumping off furniture, learning to ride his tricycle, and finding and trying to squish every ant in our house.
Benjamin watches and examines everything. I don't always realize that he is paying attention to what I'm doing or what is going on because he's constantly in motion but he is and he often surprises me by copying what he's seen and doing things (like latching his own seatbelt) that I had no idea he was capable of. I'm pretty sure that he has figured out most of the safety locks we have on the cabinets, he knows how to turn on the tv and find what he wants on my phone and iPad, and he is great at taking toys, pens, and other things apart and figuring out how they go back together even if he can't quite get the smallest pieces together on his own.
Another thing that amazes me right now is Benjamin's speech. He doesn't have the clearest speech but he can and will say almost any words. He is a great imitator and can repeat almost any sound we make. But he also has his quirks. For example, for some reason he will not say the word "up." No idea why - don't think it's the actual sound of "u" or "p" as he can say "Julia" and "purple." But my and Andrew's new game is keeping track of all the words Benj will say but not "up." So in last couple of weeks a few of the words he has said are:
- treasure (we're on a big pirate kick around here right now)
- Mickey Mouse
- Pippin (the name of Grandma Les and Grandpa Rick's new dog)
- let's go!! (usually with a lot of enthusiasm and arm movements)
- Dada (finally!!)
- shark
- ketchup
- firetruck
He also has started joining in singing songs. He loves the line "one, two, three strikes you're out" From Take Me Out to the Ballgame and last night he was singing and dancing along to the Hot Dog song from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
I really have to say that life with Benjamin is never boring. He keeps us on our toes but he also keeps us laughing. He has an amazing spirit and enthusiasm for everyday. And I am so happy and proud that he is my son! We love you to pieces Benja Benja!!