Things around here have been sort of crazy lately; I have notes for about 10 or 15 different posts that I have wanted to write over the past couple of weeks but obviously that never happened. So here is the condensed version…
Over the past few weeks, maybe since school started, Julia seems to have made another big leap in her mental (and also physical) growth. There are just little things that I have been noticing that have struck me and left me thinking, “wow, since when can she do that?!?” Things like…
coloring inside the lines
correcting my reading at when I’m putting her to bed at night
remembering what day it is when she wakes up and knowing what activities we’re going to be doing that day
helping her brother
understanding the rules of Candy Land and following them
eating a whole sandwich rather than pulling it apart and fussing with it

Benjamin has also had some major leaps in the last few weeks:
playing peekaboo with a blanket – holding it over his face and then pulling it off when I said “where’s Benjamin?” (the first time he did this was when he was supposed to be going down for a nap – good thing he’s cute!)
walking holding onto furniture or our hand
getting 5 teeth!!
climbing the stairs
drinking from a straw but really he prefers just using it to blow bubbles
swinging at the playground
and, of course, outgrowing all the pants that I bought him 2 weeks ago!