Monday, October 31, 2011

Getting Closer

Two trimesters down, one to go!!


Trick or Treat 2011

Here is a glimpse into our chilly Halloween weekend!

Carving pumpkins:

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Halloween snowmen!

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Completed pumpkins:


Ready to Trick or Treat!


Happy Halloween!!!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Halloween Preview

We went apple picking today.  It’s a little late in the season but we got some Crispins, Fujis and Braeburns.  There was this one adorable bunny in the orchard who just loved snacking on all of them!

picking apples yum!

What We’ve Been Up To

It has been a very busy month around here.  We said goodbye to our house in VA and hello to our new house in RI.  We attended baseball games, visited pumpkin patches, unpacked boxes, hung up pictures, went to Julia’s first Waterfire, and saw lots of family. 

We are settling in pretty well.  Julia loves her new room and being so close to more family.  She has had the opportunity to play with her cousin, swing with her Aunties, and spend lots of time with grandparents.  She seems to love the interaction and has been very happy in general since we got here.   Andrew and I have had a little more time to ourselves and even a date night last night!  We’re still feeling a little bit like we’re on vacation here but that’s not necessarily a bad thing! 

Last picture in the old house

Goodbye Virginia! Our last family picture in the old house.



Julia’s first Waterfire!  She loved it and has been talking about it since.  Unfortunately, that was the last one of the year so it’s a long wait until we’ll see it again.

 Pumpkin trail Junior firefighters!

We visited a pumpkin trail in Newport with Auntie Merrill and Alex.  Julia and Alex got to meet the Newport firefighters and Alex did a great job navigating the fire simulator.  They both are junior firefighters!

  Feeding the goats at the pumpkin patchIMG_6103

We visited a pumpkin patch and Julia fed lots of animals.  She especially liked the miniature goats.

Mom the Scarecrow!Dad the Scarecrow

Mommy and Daddy scarecrow at the pumpkin patch.

swimming in the corn pit

Julia “swimming” in the huge corn pit.

First haircut in RIJulia shows off her first haircut in RI!      

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Yesterday Julia was sitting at her art table in the playroom and I came in and this was the exchange we had:

Me: “Julia, can you take your shoes off and put them away please?”

Julia: “No, Mommy, call me J”

Me: “What?”

Julia: “Call me J”

Me: “Not Julia?”

Julia: “No, J!”

Me: “Okay, then”

Guess we’re starting to have a more independent, and outspoken, thinker on our hands!


Note:  more updates to come soon… we’ve had a ton going on but there are pictures and stories to share, I promise!