Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Weekend Celebrations

Last weekend was pretty joyful around here.  First, Andrew’s mom, aka Grandma Su-Su, was in town and it was a very nice treat for us and Julia to continue the grandparent visits!  Then on Friday, Andrew and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary.  Julia and I baked a special cake and she decorated it herself with M&M’s and mini chocolate chips.


Julia also declared that we needed “party hats”.  I’m not sure where she came up with that, I think it may be from daycare but we thought it was a great idea and Dad took charge of helping everyone construct hats.  Even Bunny got a hat!

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On Saturday, Andrew, Su-Su, and Julia went to the pool in the morning and then Andrew and I went out to celebrate our anniversary while Julia stayed with Susan in the afternoon.  We had a wonderful time and enjoyed the luxury of going to see a movie and having a delicious dinner at a little Italian restaurant in DC, Obelisk.  Then Sunday was Easter!  There was lots of excitement as Julia hunted for eggs and checked out her basket.

IMG_5156  IMG_5171 We continued the celebration with a special brunch at a Lebanese restaurant where we feasted on hummus, lamb, tabbouleh, cucumber yogurt salad, and lots of other Lebanese dishes. It was delicious and made even better because the weather was gorgeous and we could sit outside.

IMG_5180 Tomorrow we are off on our next adventure, a trip up to RI to visit more family… and to maybe start scoping out places to live come late summer!!!

Monday, April 25, 2011

More Bunny Excitement

I don’t have enough time this afternoon to do a full post about our Easter day (it was great though and I will post soon).  So I thought I’d post these videos of Julia dancing at lunch after we went to see the Easter Bunny last week.  As you can tell she was in a fabulous mood!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hippity Hoppity

Julia, the bunny and egg fanatic, has been having a great month! Easter is coming and we are super excited.  There have been flowers coming up, bunny decorations appearing around the house, egg hunts, and today the main event - a visit to see the Easter Bunny!  Julia talked about it all last night and this morning and was literally hopping up and down with excitement.  And she wasn’t let down.  This morning we headed over to bunny central and stood in line with a few other kids and met the bunny himself.  Julia brought her own bunny to show him.  She was determined to sit on his lap… or at least next to him with the protection of Mom!


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thursday Tidbits

Just a few random thoughts about the past few days…

The Good

- We’ve been able to spend a lot of time outside playing with neighborhood friends, building castles in the sand box, watering the plants, listening for woodpeckers, and jumping in puddles.

- We started a great nature class at a local park.  So far we’ve learned about all kinds of birds and frogs.  We even got to see a toad eat two worms this week!

- Julia has been getting better about trying all the food on her plate for dinner and seems to really like spicy food.  Her all time favorite meal is still steak and peas but I’m finding I don’t need to omit the red pepper from my pasta sauce or anything else, she handles it just fine.  She also has developed a taste for popcorn and especially likes it when I make it with a little Tabasco, onion powder, and garlic powder!

- While it’s been raining we’ve been “cooking” a lot in her play kitchen.  Here she is practicing her flipping technique – a la Julia Child.  I, of course, did not get the successful attempt on camera!

The Bad

- whining, whining, whining…. I don’t think I need to say more.

- Julia and I still have the cold that we came down with last week.

- Andrew traveled for work a couple of days this week (and will again next week) and it really threw Julia off.  She likes her routines and missed him a lot (so did I).

and The Random

- weird food combo of the week: Julia’s lunch yesterday was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich dipped in hummus. yum.

- Julia doesn’t care which clothes I pick out for her to wear but she has definite opinions about what I put on.  Yesterday she vehemently opposed 5 pairs of socks I picked out before she agreed with me on which ones I should wear.  White apparently was not a good color…

- Julia is obsessed with eggs… and she can’t eat them.  This drives me crazy which is probably why she is so obsessed.  She is fascinated by all the displays of Easter eggs that are around, she points out every single egg she sees on TV, magazines, books, signs, etc. and, of course, her favorite book is Green Eggs and Ham

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Milestone: Hide and Seek

Today was a big day – Julia and I played our first REAL game of hide and seek.  Julia insisted on counting and then came to find me.  In the past she has always either followed me around as I tried to hide or stayed with me as I counted which kind of limits the “seek” aspect of hide and seek.  But today she stayed in the family room and counted to five as I hid, then I heard her going through each room and saying:

“in the kitchen?… no, not here”… “in the hallway?… no, not here”… “in the dining room?… YES! there she is!”

Things are getting more fun by the day!