Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

We have not had exactly the Christmas we planned on, as we are still in VA rather than FL!  But we had a nice day and were able to enjoy the gifts that Santa brought and even get some re-organizing done around the house.  Here are a few glimpses of our day; we’ll give a more complete report after we return from vacation (which will hopefully start tomorrow!).


Visiting with friends on Christmas Eve


Andrew’s hat for up north!

IMG_4450 Milk, cookie and candy for Santa, carrot for the reindeer, and cheese for Santa Mouse


Christmas Morning!! Santa CAME!!!

 IMG_4476 Ready for the sun!


Bunny wearing Julia’s new slippers!  I think he was jealous!

IMG_4491   Julia’s new kitchen!

Julia playing hide and seek with her new toy!

Playing the piano!

We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and we’ll be back in touch next year!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Current Events

So we’ve had a few interesting moments in the last couple of days.  First, Julia was VERY upset on Monday when I came home with my toenails painted.  She was almost in tears and insisted that I put my socks back on!  But Tuesday morning she came around and wanted me to paint her toenails.  So I did! I was amazed she sat still the whole time (probably only 10 minutes but that’s a record around here) and cooperated very well.  We don’t have any pictures but it was very cute.

Next, there was a couple of hours of worry that Julia had a urinary tract infection.  This was after she stood in the middle of living room yelling and clutching her bottom.  When I checked her diaper it was obvious she had just peed so of course, we automatically assumed the worst and began worrying that she has a UTI.  A quick internet search determined that this requires a trip to the doctor where they will gather a urine sample via catheter… SOOOO, not being very eager to experience THAT, we took her clothes off and waited for the next peeing episode while trying to get her to drink a bunch of water.  Thankfully, she did not seem in pain the next time (or since) and we believe she just had a little rash which got irritated.  But it was an exciting hour or so while we sat around Julia on her potty in the middle of living room trying to keep her entertained and get her to pee.

Then we had a little mishap with Scootles our zhu zhu pet …. it got stuck in Julia’s hair.  Apparently, she thought she would try putting it on her head and when she turned him on her hair got wound around one of the wheels.  I actually had to cut him out.

On a more positive note, Julia has been saying lots and lots of words.  She tries to repeat pretty much everything that we say and has surprised both of us with her vocabulary in the last few days.  A big achievement for her is using please and thank you, both of which she has been starting to say more consistently in the appropriate context.

Julia has also been getting more and more physically adventurous and independent.  She is climbing more and trying to jump and has been going off on her own more.  Like going upstairs by herself to find Andrew or I or to get a toy or book she wants.  She has also started playing with some different toys, racing cars around the house, playing with her little people figures and animals, and running around the house playing chase and hide-and-seek with mom and dad.  She has also discovered the sit-and-spin that I got at a thrift store awhile ago and is trying to master it.  She also likes to be silly, pretending to fall off to get us to laugh like she does here:

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Let it Snow

At this time last year we had about 2 feet of snow on the ground.  This year it looked like it might be a green Christmas but last Thursday we got about 2 inches of snow!  Julia had a bad cold all week and we spent most of the time in the house but Thursday we went out catch snowflakes on our tongues and shovel the driveway.  It was a huge relief to get outside for a little bit and Julia had a great time watching our neighbors sled down their hill.  IMG_4365

Julia is trying to decide whether she should walk on the white stuff!


She decided to help me shovel by “mowing” the snow!


Bunny had to make a snow angel too!

IMG_4379We had to try out the snowy slide!


Good Job!


And, of course, she had to have her first hot chocolate – Yum!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Plumbers

In preparation for eventually putting our house on the market Andrew has been doing some updating in our bathrooms.  First he replaced the light fixtures (a seemingly easy project until we discovered that the light that was hung over one of the vanities did not have the electrical box centered… so there’s some remaining rearranging and drywall patching that is required before that can be checked off the list), next he replaced the faucets (successful!), then he decided to replace the drain in our master bathroom… this is where the fun begins because it turned into the proverbial slippery slope.  First, the stopper was to be replaced, then the whole drain piece had to replaced, then the u-joint under the sink, and finally once all of the leaking related to those fixes had been dealt with, the hot water valve started dripping.  So that got replaced too.  Andrew’s downfall in all of this was a simple question: “Julia, do you want to help?”  OF COURSE she did!!! And with that she could not be kept away from helping Dad with the plumbing!

IMG_4322 IMG_4323 IMG_4325 IMG_4326 IMG_4327 

She was a great helper but in the end the project was finished Monday while Julia was at daycare!

Oh Christmas Tree…

Last weekend was spent decorating the house, putting up our Christmas tree, and doing a couple of plumbing projects (that merits a separate post).  We set out Saturday morning to get our tree and for the first time in VA we had to go to two different places to find a suitable tree.  For those who have experienced the Nadeau tree hunting experience (which has in the past lasted as long as 6-8 hours) this is not as bad as it sounds because we’re not talking about acres and acres of potential trees, just a hundred or so which did not live up to expectations.  Our choices of where to purchase are somewhat limited because we have a fancy tree-stand that requires a hole to be somewhat precisely drilled in the base of the tree to hold it upright and there are only a couple of places around here that have the equipment for it… Anyway, we did find a very nice tree eventually and had a good time stringing lights and hanging the ornaments.  Julia was super excited to have a tree in the house but since the first day has largely ignored it other than to make the occasional statement “light!” while pointing at the tree and then carrying on with whatever she is doing.  She also has taken the Dunkin Donuts coffee cup ornament off the tree a couple of times and taken a “sip.”  Guess everyone needs a pick-me-up sometimes!


Searching for the perfect tree

  IMG_4315 IMG_4316

Decorating IMG_4318

Julia and Dad placed Mike on top IMG_4320  and Bunny had to get into the action as well!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Our mechanical child

Julia has started to show a lot of interest in how things work and go together.  Andrew took this video of her at dinner the other night when she was dissecting the salt mill.