Julia turned 18 months old on Monday (8-9-10!)! Unfortunately she marked the day with full-blown teething misery but she had a great weekend with Andrew and his parents in Charlottesville leading up to it. From what I’ve heard they spent quite a bit of time in pool and there was a lot of hiding of bunny… a perfect weekend in Julia’s book.
She had her 18th month doctor appointment last week and she has finally reached the over 20 pounds mark. She is 21.4 lbs and 31 inches tall and overall very healthy. She did great at the appointment. Funny enough, she cried when they weighed and measured her but was laughing when they gave her her shot – go figure!
She is beginning to talk quite a bit and has a pretty good vocabulary down already including mama, dada (sometimes), apple, elbow, tomato, no (and many variations of it such as nah, nope, and nonononono accompanied with vigorous head shaking), yes, banana, night night, love you, bubble, circle, uh-oh and wow. She is literally running around and is starting to try to jump but can’t quite get airborne (thankfully). Her favorite activities lately are collecting things (mostly pom-poms, bracelets, and grape tomatoes), helping me cook, and coloring and painting. Finally, she has become quite vocal about her opinions and we have started to enter temper tantrum territory. uh-oh! But overall we have had a great summer and are looking forward to our last few weeks of it especially a trip to Rhode Island to see all the relatives and spend some time at the beach! Julia has her pail ready!