Sunday, December 20, 2009

Snownami – Day 2

Well, when the last flake had fallen we had about 18 inches of snow.  That is the the 6th largest snowfall this area has ever gotten and apparently this will be the first white Christmas in DC in 20 years.  We will be celebrating our white Christmas in RI but are enjoying looking out at our wintry wonderland for now.  Here are a few pictures from today. 

Julia feeling snow for the first time.  She really didn’t know what to make of it, other than she hates being cold!IMG_2143

Me – round 1 of shoveling.


Andrew and Julia bundled up for our walk around the neighborhood.


Andrew’s snow angel!


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Snownami -- Update

The earlier pictures were taken at around 9:30 am, this set was taken around 5pm.  I think we must have about 18-20 inches of snow.  You can barely see our small picnic table anymore.

Snow3 Snow4jpg

Also I have been asked to elaborated on the title for these posts.  While watching the news this morning they asked for people to name this storm.  There were several good ones but my favorite was Snownami.


It looks like we are well on our way to having a record snowfall in December.  Previous record was 11.5 inches, I think we are pretty close to 12 from the looks of things.  Here are a couple of pictures I took from out our back door.  Alyssa hasn't been brave enough to go out with a ruler yet but she told me she would later.

Snow1 Snow2

Hopefully we will be able to dig ourselves out in a week or two.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Some cuteness

Here are a couple of new videos we’ve taken of Julia in the last week.  The first is her walking!  This was taken a couple of days ago and she is already upping the ante – today she was trying to RUN (I’m not kidding)!  She doesn’t quite have the balance for that yet so she keeps taking falls but apparently she has places she needs to be!


This one is of her eating her lunch.  I just thought she looked like a cute little bird eating worms!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

We have a toddler!

In the last three days we have seen huge changes in Julia’s walking.  She has been walking short distances between Andrew and I and from a toy or piece of furniture to one of us for a few weeks but I can now say that she is truly a toddler.  She really started on Thursday when she “chased” me around the meeting room at the library.  Then her confidence just sky-rocketed and we now find ourselves chasing her around!  We are in Charlottesville for the weekend visiting Andrew’s mom  and she been having a great time exploring every nook and cranny of the house.  I will (hopefully) post a video later when I’m back on my own computer. 

Oh one more thing to report – as I was writing this post Andrew and Julia were playing around and she said “dada” for the first time!!!  Andrew is thrilled! Go Julia!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

10 Months Old

Julia is 10 months old today.  She celebrated by stacking two blocks on top of each other!  She’s been trying to do it for awhile but finally accomplished it today.  She also has been walking longer distances alone – yesterday she started walking all the way across the living room.  She has even made a couple of trips with a stop in the middle to knock over a block tower! 

Other recent feats include clapping her hands, saying “uh-oh”, crawling (yes, crawling – but she doesn’t like it and only does it if she really has to!), finding the tupperware cupboard (lots of fun!!), and feeding herself lunch (spaghetti is a new favorite food).

This is her today as she was moving blocks back and forth between their wooden box and her shopping cart.



This past weekend was extra special because we had several visitors from Rhode Island!  My dad, stepmom, 2 sisters, and niece came to visit.  We had a great time hanging out, playing games, and seeing a couple of sites. 


Our first snowfall of the year happened Saturday as they were arriving and Alex wasted no time in getting outside and hitting her mom with the first snowball of the year! 


She also took a few runs down our hill – looks like pretty good sledding… for Virginia!


We saw the annual holiday boat parade on the Potomac Saturday night.  It was very cold though so we watched from the comfort of one of our favorite Thai restaurants.

IMG_0061After getting home we celebrated me and Merrill’s birthday.  It was great to have a celebration together as we’ve been in different places for the last several years.  Sunday we made a trip to Mount Vernon and had a nice dinner at home.  In between there were several rousing games of Trivial Pursuit, Scrabble, and Yahtzee.  True family fun! 
