Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

It was a cloudy, rainy day in VA…. perfect weather for a duck!


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Happy Halloween! Quack Quack!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Beautiful Fall Day

Today was a perfect fall day in Virginia, warm, beautiful leaves, and lots of sunshine.  We took advantage of this break from our downpours to go pick out pumpkins and watch the Del Ray Halloween parade for the first time. 

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To top off a wonderful day, we discovered that Julia has gotten her first tooth!  It was a fun and exciting day all around!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Jumpin’ Julia

Julia was having a great time in her jumperoo yesterday… and we were having a great time watching her!


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Look how much I’ve grown!!!

2 weeks old:


8 months old:


Friday, October 9, 2009

Closer to Walking

So right after I wrote my earlier post we had a breakthrough on the walking front!  Julia has spent the evening walking holding onto only one hand!  Any of you who have been subject to Julia’s walking practice for the past eight weeks or so can appreciate my and Andrew’s excitement at the prospect of maybe being able to stand up straight sometime soon!  In the video below she’s pretty wobbly but she got steadier and steadier as she went along.

8 Months Old


Julia turned 8 months old today!  Everyone told us that the time would fly and they were right.  We no longer have a little baby we have an almost toddler who has definite opinions!  She loves solid food, particularly peaches, peas, string cheese and… pickles.  Crazy girl – she won’t eat bananas but she’ll eat pickles!  She also loves to “walk” holding onto our fingers and pretty much goes non-stop all day long.  She will stand on her own for a few seconds and occasionally will cruise a few steps here or there, holding onto furniture.  She doesn’t seem interested in crawling at all – she prefers to walk – but maybe she’ll surprise us one day.  She has started saying “mamamama” and we’re trying to work on “dadadada” but I think “quack quack” might come first.  She loves her ducks!  She also loves to be outside and is content to sit on the lawn, pull up the grass, and watch the neighborhood go by… or maybe try to chase the older kids (I’m getting my exercise)!

Just in the last few days she has started what we think is pointing at things; although it looks more like a power fist pump than anything else as she still keeps her fist balled up!  It’s very cute.

We are amazed every day that we have our beautiful Julia and are looking forward to being amazed for the months and years to come! 
