Julia was 6 weeks old as of yesterday. It’s amazing to us that so much time has passed already. Even though some of the days seem to go very slowly it feels like the last six weeks have flown by. We saw a newborn at the doctor’s office on Monday who was about Julia’s size when she was born and it was incredible to see the difference. According to our scale Julia now weighs around 9 1/2 – 10 lbs which means she has gained more than 50% of her birth weight! That would be why she has such cute little chubby cheeks!
Julia is also becoming more interactive and has given me several smiles and sticks her tongue out at her Dad. She is starting to become interested in some of her toys and mobiles although her favorite view is still the skylights in the family room! Lastly she has started grabbing at things while she is eating or being held; my shirt and the burp cloth are frequent targets – Andrew is afraid of her inevitable discovery of his chest hair! He’s been wearing a lot of high necked t-shirts! Here is one of my favorite pictures of her from the past few days with her cuddling up to the burp cloth she confiscated and looking like the adorable little imp that she is!