Monday, January 22, 2018

A New Approach

Over the past few months I have been reflecting on what is working for us and what isn’t. What we should continue to embrace, what needs to change, and what we should let go of. And sadly, I think it may be time for this blog to come to end.

I have been posting here since before Julia was born and to me, this is a gift to her and Ben. It is the story of their lives so far... not all the details, of course, but a glimpse into this time in our family. 9 years of memories and stories. But technology is changing, our lives are getting busier, and in a way, this is no longer just my story to tell. Julia and Ben are old enough to decide and have a say in what they want shared with the world. And honestly, it’s time for a break and a change.

So I’m going to try a different approach in this new year. I am going to try a new platform and consolidate my posting on Instagram. If you want to keep up with all the Crowder antics, I promise there will be plenty of good Ben and Julia pictures and stories there! My username is aacrowder and Andrew’s is andrewec2f. We may even get Julia set-up with an account at some point this year (that should be interesting!). And who knows, I may decide to come back to this, or it may reincarnate in another different form.

I truly appreciate everyone who has shared this journey with us over the past nine years! Thank you for reading, for sharing this adventure with us, and for being part of our lives. xo

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Chopped Jr: The Crowder Edition

The kids entered the kitchen at breakfast time one day last week to find themselves in an episode of Chopped Jr.! Their secret ingredients? bananas, oatmeal, and peanut butter puff cereal. They had 20 minutes to put together their own breakfast dish that they would eat! This was an important caveat as I didn't want combinations that would be super crazy and waste food.

hard at work. Ben was very diligent about checking the time and making sure he would have enough time to get everything onto his plates!

great knife skills!

a fabulous first creations

Here are their presentations to the judges:

The verdict: there were no winners or losers! We considered this a practice round. But a great breakfast was had by all! And there were immediate requests for another episode!

Sunday, January 7, 2018

A New Year

2018 is here! We rung in the year in our traditional manner. We were in bed by 10:30 on New Year’s Eve after a dinner of Indian food and an early balloon drop for the kids and a little post-bedtime sparkling wine for us.

We had a quiet New Year’s morning and then headed to Galilee for the annual Penguin Plunge. We all decided not to participate ourselves this year as the temperature was hovering in the single digits but we had a frigid time cheering on Grandpa Rick, Grandma Les, Merrill, and Steve and then we warmed up with clam cakes, chowder, fish tacos, and fried oysters at Champlin’s.

From there we have eased our way into the year. We worked on a few projects with the kids. We cleaned and organized several spaces in the house. We took an extra day off of our normal routines to enjoy time with Andrew before he left to start his new job on the 3rd. We cuddled inside to warm up from the freezing cold temperatures (it hasn’t been above freezing since before Christmas)!

Friday, January 5, 2018

Christmas 2017

The first wake-up came at 3:30am. A half hour later Ben was back asleep but now Julia was awake. It’s unclear whether she ever went back to sleep! We stuck to our rule that there’s no going downstairs til 6am... or at least pretty close to that.

There were gifts in the hallway. Our tradition of books left outside their doors. A few more minutes snuggling in bed while the kids tore them open and read us all some poetry.
Julia received Something Big Has Been Here by Jack Prelutsky and Ben's book is A Poke in the I by Paul Janeczko
A beautiful, quiet moment before the excitement was too much and we HAD. TO. GO. DOWNSTAIRS!!!

And Santa had come! Kids’ stockings were quickly opened. Coffee was made. Cinnamon rolls were popped into the oven. And finally, presents! A hot wheels garage for Julia (just what she had asked for).

A marble mat for Ben (not what he asked for but a good surprise). Legos, games (Harry Potter Hogwarts battle - since proven to be a family favorite), Hogwarts house blankets from Uncle Jon and Aunt Shannon (now permanent additions to our couch), art supplies.

Next breakfast. Not the cozy, calm, Christmas breakfast I had envisioned but a Pokémon Monopoly breakfast - playing the game they had received from Alex on Christmas Eve.

Breakfast, and the game, were cleared up. Wrapping paper was cleaned up. Kid and parents were dressed up. And we prepared for the rest of the day. Roast beef in the oven, mashed potatoes warming up in the crock pot, snacks out and ready to be nibbled on.

A delicious dinner with food from everyone. Silliness with Christmas crackers. More gifts. A ridiculous dollar store gift swap that had everyone laughing.

And then quiet again. A happy family. A wonderful day.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Holiday Concert - Julia and Andrew

 Last week Andrew and Julia performed in a concert of some holiday favorites at the mall with their violin teacher and a group of his students. 

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

December Fun

After getting back from Florida and facing the first winter storm, our December turned into a whirlwind of activities! We only had a couple of weeks until Christmas and boy, did we make the most of them!

We had our usual routines - the last couple of weeks of co-op before winter break, swim practices, and our Friday QAC group. But the extras! A session at the Audubon center learning about whales and being trained like whales by a REAL marine animal trainer!

What a good whale! 
 A (freezing) night to see the lights at LaSalette (we learned that it pays to be cold hardy - there was almost no one else there)!
cold, what cold?!?

ready to pounce

look out Ben!
Ben’s first time seeing the Festival Ballet perform The Nutcracker at The Providence Performing Arts Center!

everything is better with friends
Cookie baking with Grandma Les! A tour of the John Brown House in Providence!

the mysterious "Root of Roger Williams" - look it up! most fascinating story of the day!

Gingerbread house building!
this is a serious activity.

He wanted to recreate the picture on the box.

Chores like stacking wood!

We've got this!

Present wrapping!

Everyone needs to wear a trapper while wrapping!

And finally, the real event! Christmas Eve!

Crafts! Food! General silliness!

Presents! Ben could not let go of his nerf car shooter (or his Chewbacca hat, even though he doesn’t like Star Wars ). 

We were bombarded with spells (Wingardium Leviosa! Expelliarmus! Lumos! Reducto!) from new Harry Potter wands. And of course, we read. Ben helped me with Santa Mouse and all three kids chimed in with Grandpa Rick on ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas.

And then it was time to sleep.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Winter Wonderland

And now back to the reality of December in New England... We returned home to a snowy RI. And we had to wait a day to get our Christmas tree but it was worth it for this wintry wonderland:

Christmas Tree Farm snowball fight!

the tree

Merry Christmas!